Dermal filler can be dissolved using an enzyme called hyaluronidase or Hyalase.It works by breaking down the cross linked hyaluronic acid filler molecules and dissolving the filler down almost instantly or over the course of 2-3 days.


From £150


30 Minutes

Recovery time

3 - 4 days

Reversing Dermal Fillers with Hyaluronidase

Dermal filler can be dissolved using an enzyme called hyaluronidase or Hyalase. It works by breaking down the cross-linked hyaluronic acid filler molecules and dissolving the filler down almost instantly or over the course of 2-3 days. It is more commonly used cosmetically to correct overfilled, asymmetrical, bumpy, lumpy dermal filler. If you have had previous dermal filler that needs to be dissolved either for cosmetic or medical reasons, this can be done quite easily. Hypersensitivity/allergic reaction to the hyaluronidase is very rare, but for your safety when dissolving filler, we first perform an intradermal test on all patients. This is where a small amount of this product is injected into a safe area like the arm to assess for any hypersensitive reaction to the substance before using it in the area aiming to treat.

Typical areas of concern that Filler dissolving (Hyaluronidase) can address: